FAQs & How it works

You’re considering booking a session for the first time but you’re not sure what to expect? Good news, you’ve come to the right page. This page is here to make you feel at home and to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience. You can watch our video on the homepage here to familiarise yourself with the setting.

We kindly ask that prior to your visit you have a read through the below which outlines the FAQS, our dog field rules, as well as our Terms and Conditions .


What is a dog park?

It is a purpose built grass field fenced for exercising or training dogs. The field is secured with high quality 6ft skirted fencing and gates, plus chicken wire along the bottom fixed into the ground which means you can exercise your dog/doggies with peace of mind, knowing they can't get out and nobody else can get in!

Poop bins and bags are provided and we ask that you clean up after your doggies to ensure continued enjoyment for everyone.

How do I gain access to the field & where do I park?

Booking is strictly through this website - you will be sent the code to access the field via email and text message 6 hours before. When you arrive you will see the parking is within the secure compound, please do not enter until the previous customer(s) has left.

If you arrive early, there is an overflow/waiting area right outside in the Paddock car park.

Once in the secure compound you will be able to access the field via the pedestrian gate, with a catch pen between the car park and park. The parking area is for your exclusive use during your session.

Please ensure you shut the gate to the car park once you’re in.

How do I find the dog park at Burrough Court?

  1. Enter from Twyford Road through the main entrance to Burrough Court.

  2. You will pass two houses on your left.

  3. At the black gates follow the road round to the left on the corner of the Farmhouse (do not go through the gates) .

  4. Follow the sign for ‘Dog Park’ & ‘Coffee Shop’

  5. At the end of the road you will move onto a gravel car park & will see the fencing for the dog park straight in front of you.

  6. Turn left and drive forward to approach the metal gates with a large sign in the middle & two welcome signs on posts either side of the gate. This is the car park entrance to the park.

Do you allow XL Bully dogs?

We do welcome XL Bully’s as we believe every dog should have the freedom to run wild and free in a secure area. At the end of the day that’s what this dog park is all about, exclusive use for a booked period of time with you knowing you won’t meet any other dogs. Prior to you booking your first session please contact us as we just have to do a bit of house keeping, plus we need to receive you certificate of exemption and public liability insurance before proceeding.

Will I come across any other dogs during my session?

You have exclusive use of the park during your slot. All doggies should remain in vehicles until the vehicle is safely parked inside the secure parking area & the gate has been closed. Other users must wait outside the parking area until your session ends and theirs begins. As a result there should be no unplanned meeting of doggies.

Is the field suitable for my reactive dog?

The dog park does sit back from the car park for the cafe and offices, so there can be people getting out their cars on one side of the park. If you’re concerned about this we suggest visiting us on a Sunday as there is no one on site on this day. We will be putting a hedge in situ in October 2024, to help hide the view and hopefully put both yourself and your dog at ease.

Do you have buffers between sessions?

We do indeed, this is for you and your dogs safety to prevent the cross over of dogs.

Is water available?

Absolutely! We have a dog bowl and washing point by the entrance to the field in the catch pen to wash down paws and rehydrate.

Is the field secure?

We have made our best effort to make Paws in the Park as secure as possible. We have a 6ft tall secure fence and chicken wire around the bottom which goes into the ground to prevent escapes. We also have a double gate system, both on the car park and paddock entry.

What if I forget dog poop bags?

We have this covered! There are bag dispensers of biodegradable bags right by the poop bins for you to pick up the mess left by your doggies during your session. If you do come across any dog poop that wasn’t created by your dog/doggies, please do let us know and we will deal with it accordingly.

Can I cancel my booking?

You can reschedule your booking but are unable to cancel it. All sessions booked at the outset are non-refundable.

I want to hold a class at Paws in the Park - how big is the car park?

Our secure car park has space for 6 cars . We also have an overflow/waiting area straight outside the entrance to the car park which customers can use if they are in larger groups. You would just need to bring a lead to ensure your dog/doggies get from the car to the field safely.

Does my dog have to be vaccinated?

For the enjoyment of all and to ensure everyone stays happy and healthy we ask that all doggies that come to Paws in the Park are fully vaccinated or have Primary DHP vaccinated and undergo annual titre testing. 

If your dog/doggies are unwell we ask that you amend your booking and bring them when they are better, just to avoid spreading bugs to other doggies.

Is there a limit on how many dogs I can book for?

The limit is 10 dogs. The use of Paws in the Park is at the customers own risk. Any dog attending Paws in the Park is under your custody and control. We ask that our customers use common sense and have a sensible number of humans per dog so that doggies are kept under control and poop patrol is easier!

Please ensure that all doggies coming in groups have socialised harmoniously together before booking Paws in the Park at Burrough Court.

What makes Paws in the Park, Burrough Court different?

We believe there isn’t just one, but a few things. The first and probably the biggest difference to any other dog park in the Melton Mowbray / Oakham area is the fact that you can have refreshments (including breakfast and lunch) delivered straight to you during your session from the onsite cafe, the Larder, Burrough Court through the hatch. There are also treats available for the dogs too! Details on how to order are in the shelter along with the menu.

Another is the double gate entry system with parking being within the field, as well as the environment in which the park sits. It is located within the stunning and serene landscape of Burrough Court surrounded by parkland, with part of the woodland fenced within the park itself.

Lastly, the paw wash system within the catch pen, one that is loved by many owners to wash those muddy paws and tummies down at the end of the session.

    • Book your session online (for professional bookings please contact us).

    • To help you find us - we are in the left corner of the Paddock Car Park (same car park as for the Larder/Coffee Shop).

    • On arrival to Burrough Court follow the sign to ‘Dog Park’ & ‘Coffee Shop’ taking a left just before the black automatic gates.

    • Please don't arrive any earlier than 5 minutes before.

    • Please don’t enter the field before the previous user has finished their session and left the compound. If they over run please inform us. Under no circumstances are you to enter whilst they are in there.

    • Please note that your session is from the time booked - please avoid arriving early.

    • Please note that you must have left the park by the end of your booked slot so please consider the time it will take to retrieve your dog, load the car and depart.

    • Enter the car park in your car using the gate access code provided in the reminder email & text message sent 6 hours before. Please close the main gate prior to letting your dog/doggies out of your vehicle in the park car park.

    • Enter the dog park and enjoy some play time.

    • Please pick up all dog poop during your session using the bags and poop bins provided.

    • Please place all other waste in the general waste bin in the shelter not the poo bins.

    • Please replace all borrowed dog toys at the end of your session in the box in the shelter.

    • Please don't leave doggies or children unsupervised at any time.

    • Please secure the field as you leave - including the internal gates.